Sacred Heart Primary Boggabri

School & Admin Hours

School Hours

The school area (including playground equipment) is supervised before school, recess and at lunchtime by staff.

No student should be on the school grounds before 8.30am or after 3.15pm without the consent of the Principal.

Classes Commence: 8:50am
Fruit Break: 10:00am (in class)
Recess: 11:00am – 11:20am
Lunch: 1:05pm – 1:45pm
School Ends: 2:45pm

School Office Hours

The best times to make contact with the school are between 8:30 am – 3:30pm (Monday to Thursday). 8:30 am to 3:00pm (Friday).

When the Office is unattended an answering machine is on and your call will be returned as soon as possible.

School Principal

Parents are always welcome to discuss any matters with the Principal.

However, as the Principal’s administration time out of class is limited, it is essential to make an appointment via the office.


The staffroom is a place where the staff can go when not on duty to relax and enjoy their break.

Students, parents and visitors must ring the bell at the front desk if office is unattended and wait for a response before entering the staffroom.

Students will not be permitted in the Staffroom unless they have permission from a staff member.

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